写作q2850855185 发表于 2017-12-23 14:12:58


议论文是很常见的一种文体,非常考验逻辑性。自高中以来,想必大家写了不少议论文了吧?那么,英语的议论文又该怎么写呢?1、Compose your essay with a clear purpose 带着明确的意图写文章一篇议论文旨在让读者接受你对于这个话题的看法。以下都是些很好的话题例子:
Whether governments should or should not fund embryonic stem cell research.
Whether love is a virtue or a vice.
Why Citizen Kane is the best movie of the 20th century.
Why American citizens should be forced to vote.2、Write your essay as though you are conducting a debate 写文章的时候假设你正在参加一场辩论赛辩论赛里你需要向听众介绍你的主题,摆出论据并且进行总结性说明。议论文和辩论文章的结构是相似的。3、Collect facts from good sources to justify your opinions 收集一些来源好的事实证明你的观点。使用合理的事实来支持你的论证。一篇写的好的文章是好的,而一篇议论的好的文章是难以否认的。除了做研究,你还可以通过调查、采访或者进行实验来获取论证。另外,不要只说一个事实,可以讲故事。比如:Since the death penalty has been reinstated, more than 140 inmates on death row have been released after evidence proved them innocent. Ask yourself: How would you like to be one of those 140 wrongfully-convicted inmates.4、Discuss conflicting opinions 讨论正反观点除了阐明自己的意见,还可以提出相反的意见,并论证它是不准确的或是过时的。例如:
Some people argue that the death penalty acts as a deterrent to crime. Time after time, evidence has disproved this theory. The death penalty, in fact, does not act as a deterrent to crime: The South accounts for 80% of US executions and has the highest regional murder rate.5、Tie all your ideas together in a gripping conclusion 总结好你所有的想法之前在介绍如何写作一篇好文章的时候也提到过,最后的总结段落是让读者记住你的很重要的一部分。而在议论文,你需要总结你的意见,再次强调你的观点(赞成或是反对)。小编带头写本文总结:
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