
标题: 一首很火的英文小诗Man and Life,很现实,句句戳心 [打印本页]

作者: hudalong115214    时间: 2020-11-24 17:08
标题: 一首很火的英文小诗Man and Life,很现实,句句戳心

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When you have no money, you eat wild vegetables at home. When you have money, you eat the same wild vegetables at a fine restaurant.
When you have no money, you ride a bicycle; when you have money, you ride an exercise machine.当你没有钱的时候,骑着自行车;当你有钱的时候,骑着健身车。
When you have no money, you dream of marriage; when you have money, you dream of divorce.
当你没钱的时候,梦想着结婚; 当你有钱之后,却又想着离婚。 When you have no money, your wife becomes a secretary;
when you have money, your secretary becomes your wife.
When you have no money, you act like a rich man; when you have money, you act like a poor man. 当你没钱的时候,表现得像个富豪;当你有钱的时候,却又装的像一个穷人。
Man, O man, never tells the truth. 人啊,永远都不会讲真话。 He says the stock market is bad but keeps speculating. 他说股票市场很乱但总是保持投机心理。
He says money is evil but keeps accumulating. 他说钞票是魔鬼但一直赚钱。
He says high positions are lonely but strive to get them. 他说高职位太孤独却一直晋升。 He says smoking and drinking are bad for health but keeps partaking. 他说吸烟喝酒有害健康但总是参与其中。
He says heaven is good but refuses to go. 他说天堂很美好却拒绝去那个地方。

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What is life about? 到底什么是生活?
At one, you are the top priority. 一岁的时候,你是最主要的。
At 10, academic excellence is the top priority. 十岁的时候,成绩是最主要的。
At 20, dating is the top priority. 二十岁的时候,约会是最主要的。 At 30, a promising career is the top priority.
At 40, keeping your body in shape is the top priority. 四十岁的时候,身材是最主要的。
At 50, competing with others is your top priority. 五十岁的时候,竞争是最主要的。
At 60, having a united family is your top priority. 六十岁的时候,家庭和睦是最主要的。
At 70, being capable of remembering something is the top priority. 七十岁的时候,回忆是最主要的。
At 80, moving around is the top priority.
At 90, knowing directions is your top priority. 九十岁的时候,方向是最主要的。
At 100, having a nice portrait of yourself on the wall is your top priority. 当一百岁的时候,墙上你的肖像才是最主要的。

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