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2.14 | 情人节快乐
Wow, we are celebrating another red-letter day-Valentine's Day. Are you ready to unburden yourself by showing your love for your heart-throb? 哇!今天又是个好日子,我们在庆祝今年的情人节。你准备好了要向自己心动的人儿表达爱意吗?
Now it is high time that you showered her or him with flowers, valuable gifts and even honeyed words or soft words so that he or she may be emotionally carried away and willingly fall into your arms exactly as you wish or hope for. 是该向她(他)毫不吝啬地献花,赠送珍贵礼物或说上一大堆甜言蜜语的时候了,只有这样她(他)才会神魂颠倒或情不自禁地投入你的怀抱,如你所愿。
Saint Valentine's Day, commonly referred to as Valentine's Day, is jubilantly observed almost at every corner of the world as it falls on February 14 each year. 圣瓦伦丁节,通常也叫做情人节。每年2月14日,几乎世界各地的人们都欢庆这个节日。
There are lots of versions oabout the origins of Valentine's Day. Sure, there is no need for us to bother our head about its very source. Actually tracing back to its origin does not really make any sense. 关于情人节的来源有很多版本。当然,我们无需劳神去探究其历史渊源,因为刨根问底,探寻其来源也没有什么意义。
Valentine's Day, however, is naturally associated with romance or love, on which lovers will tenderly express their heartfelt love and send each other gifts with fond affection, particularly the beautiful flowers. 不过,情人节自然和浪漫或爱情紧密联系在一起,这一天,情侣们含情脉脉地互相诉说衷肠,或互送礼物,特别是美丽的花儿,表达浓浓的爱意。
Nowadays the Valentine's Day Kissing Competition gains popularity among lovers who will vie with others to keep their kiss as long as they can. 现今,情人节接吻大赛在情侣之间非常盛行,很多对情侣比赛看谁能热吻到最后。
True enough, nothing is better than a Heaven-sent chance for those, who are beset with an unrequited love or nursing an insidious crush on someone, to show or display the affection for someone on Valentine's Day. 的确,对那些单相思的人或长期暗恋他人的人来说,情人节莫过于向某人公开表达爱意的天赐良机。
So we should try to remind ourselves of explicitly expressing our love to someone we are emotionally in love with, or you may let slip a golden opportunity through your fingers. It is as simple as I stand here: if you fail to confess your love to someone holding a vital position in the deep recesses of your heart, you may have a rude awakening some day and bite your tongue off each time when you think of it. 所以,我们要提醒自己:要向自己深爱的人坦然示爱,不然就错失良机。倘若,你未能向心爱的人表达爱意,或许以后会幡然醒悟,每每想起这桩事儿时都会后悔莫及。
Everyone hopes to be genuinely in love with his or her sweetheart or beloved, which may last as long as long can be. 每个人都希望和自己的心上人拥有一场轰轰烈烈、天长地久的爱情传奇。
No wonder, even teenagers will take a crack at it, unknowingly involved in a puppy love, and that with strong affection and even by devoutly swearing by the Heaven and the Sun. But fully-fledged grownups in their senses know that a puppy love will be totally implausible. However, that may be the first love lesson everyone should have. 说来也是,现在甚至连少不经事的孩子们也要品尝一下爱情的滋味,朦朦胧胧陷入一场“童恋”,而且信誓旦旦,爱得天昏地暗。但其实稍微成熟一点的成年人都知道:“童恋”总是不靠谱的。但或多或少,那也是每个人必经的一堂爱情课吧!
Sure, many people are head over heels in the Platonic love. 当然,许多人也深深地陷于柏拉图式的爱情。
Oh, Goodness! To my mind, it is the pure friendship and partnership between two people of opposite sex. Maybe it is the so-called love of the purest trueness and affection. Even more ridiculous are many people who are given to the homosexuality. Small wonder that we have a lot of gays in the modern society. God knows I don’t want to offend you by saying so. 天啦!在我看来,这全然是两性朋友之间的一种纯洁的友谊和伙伴关系。更甚之的是,好多人热衷于同性恋。也难怪我们当今社会里会有这么多的同性恋者。此处绝无冒犯之意。
Let’s make no bones about it, love does not amount to marriage in that love is the emotional attachment of two hearts totally free from the material or wealth-centered worries and cares while marriage is entwined with daily necessities and odds and ends, to be specific, so many worries and cares with each passing day. 讲真,爱情不能等同于婚姻,因为爱情是两颗心的情感依恋,完全不掺杂物质或财富方面的纷纷扰扰,而婚姻则搀和着日常生活的方方面面、万事巨细。
So most people with the furtively bitter experience in marriage may say like this: Love is not all it's cracked up to be. 所以走进婚姻生活的多数人,会有种心照不宣的痛苦,常常会这么说:爱情并不总像人们说的那么好。
All in all, we are well poised to celebrate this year’s Valentine's Day to make advances to our heart-throb or anyone of our heart by kissing him or her tenderly, sending flowers or even the newfangled gadgets like iPhone5 with heart-felt wishes. 总之,今年的情人节已至,亲爱的们都做好准备好好庆祝一下,去向自己的心上人和令我们心动的人示爱吧:温柔的一个吻、一束鲜花,甚至iPhone8时髦新奇的小玩意,带上你衷心的祝福。