最近几个月养成了每天写一两篇博文的好习惯,这几天都在修改之前的文章,,每篇飘红,惨不忍睹!下面是刚刚总结的一些小经验.谢谢 @恶魔的奶爸之前推荐的写一篇文章修改一篇文章的方法.个人觉得不一定要转述新概念的文章,只要是自己感兴趣的能让自己坚持下去。(更正:由于大量的口语与阅读输入,可能这是不需要新概念转述写作的原因)
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用含义丰富的单词(register 这个术语没有中文翻译)Use high register words to be concise.
The majority of the topics -> the prime topics (好帅的用法)Understand the situation -> reason the situation v.
Spend too much time on it -> overspend time on it
I am overqualified for a job of high school teacher. (在Breaking Bad 里面学的, Mr.White)
考虑句子间的逻辑性。Logically connect sentences.
Browse it for once so that you know what kind of contents it contains. When you need it, you know which part of which book to refer to. (毫无逻辑性,还没有主语)-> Specifically, you browse it for once to know the prime topics so that you know which part of which book to refer to.
单词的使用要具体。Be specific in wording.
People need to spend time on it so that they can learn networking.-> 高中生甚至大学生总是用People作为主语,具体一点,在这个情景下,people指代程序猿就用programmer people in the club -> club members
主语很难找到具体的词语?那就不用主语吧! 被动语态! Use passive voice when it's hard to determine the subject of a sentence.
You may spend a month or even a year to practice the book. (YOU is aggressive to the readers) Bonus: 想象下当你读一遍文章的时候,作者一直说"你", 听着也不舒服.这就是所谓的"aggressive you"-> However, the cost of multiple months or even years of practice is always needed.
检查主谓宾有没有match. Check if the subject, verb and object are matched.
The more you watch, the more you can reason the characters' behaviors in the movie or what can you benefit from it. (这个宾语没有对应的谓语!!)话说我好喜欢这里的 reason, 用作动词"理解" 的意思,虽然被我用得怪怪的->The more you watch, the more you can reason the characters' behaviors in the movie.
Do not overuse: it, be + doing, very, pretty, lots of, always
理由是很多时候加了very,其实意思没多大变化与其说very interesting 不如写得让别人感到interesting用it的前提是,能够正确指示it代表什么
Do not overuse "I me my you your". 文章上尽量不要用I me my you your
These words confuse the readers if I don't use them properly.两个理由: 一.它们都是主观的代词,写客观文章,尤其是论文的时候,容易引用主观的论据, 也就减少文章的客观性.如果论据都是个人经历,而不是实验结果等客观的事实,文章就很难让人信服。二.you 对于读者是非常aggressive的,看着都不舒服.
Do not use casual words 太口语化的词语最好不要用在文章上.
does not make sense, kind of, bunches of
有人问我如何在写作上避免I me my you your。刚刚总结了几个方法,方法会持续更新。希望有帮助,欢迎各种建议。
利用被动语态确定谁是你的读者 audience,进而寻找substitutions(代替名词)名词的动词用法(注意不是所有名词都有动词的形式)去除文字的水分寻找前后文联系,合并related句子
下面以“如何提高英语写作?”这个话题为例进行写作 (水分多的文字用下划线表示)。修改前:
You don’t need to worry about grammar mistakes. After answering a question, you try your best to proofread and fix it.(you和your是水分,没什么含义,想方法去掉) After a month or two, you can review the previous writing, proofread again and fix it.Because with the writing experience thatyou gained from previous months, youcan find flaws in your previous writing and formulate a general solution to fix it. Having the best teacher or the best writing book is not the key as a entry-level writer. Instead, you are the best teacher of yourself and you can gain feedback from yourself if you want to. The key is to make writing as a habit so that your (谁的writing 很多时候不重要,多余的your)writing improves everyday. A funny fact is thatyou “try” your best to learn how to write, but youdon’t write at all! 读者的感受就是阅读过程中一直在被骂。
利用被动语态确定谁是你的读者 audience,进而寻找substitutions名词的动词用法(注意不是所有名词都有动词的形式)去除文字的水分寻找前后文联系,合并related句子
Grammar mistakes are not a prime concern for an entry-level writer(去除第一句的水分:you don't need to ,合并后文的entry-level writer,两者联系起来). Every time when a question is answered writing learners gain experience by proofreading the article.(被动语态去除you,去除水分,合并后文关键信息,用writing learner替代you ) Since the more they write the more sophisticated writing skilled can be refined. (被动语态去除you,they去除you指代writing learner)Specifically when reviewing the previous articles, the flaws in previous writing can be found and fixed easily. (被动语态)
Having the best teacher or the best writing book is not the key for a entry-level writer (代替you). Instead, everyone is the best teacher of himself or herself. People can gain feedback from themselves if they want to.(people代替you) The key is to make writing as a habit so that it improves everyday.(your是多余的,是水分) A funny fact is that some English learners “try” their best to learn how to write, but they don’t write at all!
留心的同学应该注意到,我们写文章的时候you通常都是指代读者!好了,这篇“如何写作?”的文章面向的读者是谁? 通过写一个list来回答这个问题: you -> your audience -> entry-level writer, people, English learner, students, new to writing, people who struggling with writing ... 这些单词都比you客观多了! 含义也丰富多了!!
有个bonus part,
很多单词在国内一直被以为是名词,但是在国外经常被用作动词 例如population有对应动词populate,例如habit通常被用作名词“习惯”。我们通常说“Julie make doing exercise as a habit”事实上,habit也是一个动词:
The key is to make writing as a habit so that you can improve your writing.
->The key is to habit your writing so that it improves everyday. (making xx as a xx 是水分,通过利用动词形式去除,而且句子色彩性增强了!!!)
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